Metal Fingers- Special Herbs Volume 9 & 0 (LP COMP) (SOLD OUT)
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METAL FINGERS BEATS FROM THE METAL FACED VILLAIN! The final volumes of the long running Special Herbs instrumental series, back on wax after nearly a decade. Volume 9 & 0 round out the 10 volume set of beats from MF Doom, with instrumentals featured on various projects from MM..FOOD to King Geedorah and everything in between. Double vinyl pressing with refreshed 2020 cover art.
- Vinca Rosea
- Burdock Root
- Vervain
- Bergamont
- Podina
- null
- Coltsfoot Leaf
- Orris Root Powder
- Passion Flower
- Yellow Dock
- Datura Stramonium
- Coca Leaf
- Peach Extract
Sold Out